A combined wealth of experience of more than 50 years in the insurance, financial services & technology at your service for state of the art, innovative & robust IT solutions in the medical informatics, insurance, microfinance & administration fields.
Stay Tuned
Assure Finance will be launching soon the new innovative and unique Ta’minet Platform.
Assure Finance TA2MINET aim is to provide a new operating model for insurance brokerage, banking and financial services, reversing the traditional Bank Assurance model to an Assure Finance concept.
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About Global Assure Finance (Holding) LTD Assure Finance was established in 2015, as a consolidation of several legal entities active in the insurance, brokerage and technology fields throughout the MENA region. We have been present as key and leading actors in the market since 1991. Offices Beirut, Lebanon Azarieh Building, 1st Floor, Facing St. Georges…
© 2018 global ASSURE FINANCE holding